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1928 Hamill Road, Hixson TN 37343

To Know Him More and Help More Know Him

About Us



  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God (II Tim. 3:16)

  • The Trinity:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19, 20)

  • The Bible's Teaching about an Eternal Hell for Unbelievers and An Eternal Heaven for the Redeemed (Matt. 25:46)

  • Creation of Man as Presented in Genesis (1:26, 27)

  • Scriptural Baptism of the Saved by Immersion (Acts 8:38)

  • The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:20)

  • The Deity of Christ (Jn. 10:30)

  • The Sinless Blood of Jesus Christ is Necessary for Salvation (Eph. 1:7)

  • The Sin and Need of Salvation for Every Individual upon Earth Through Christ and Him Alone With No Works on the Part of Man (Acts 4:12; Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:8, 9)

  • The Rapture of All Believers by Christ and Another Literal Coming Again In Glory with His Own to Establish the Millenium upon the Earth (1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:6)

  • The Lord Himself Founded the Church and Established its Importance Until He Returns (Matt 16:18; 28:18-20)



On February 12, 1940, a small group of baptized believers met together in The Stuart Baptist Mission for the purpose of organizing The East Chattanooga Baptist Tabernacle.  There were eight charter members.  Bro. Frank Rich was voted as pastor.


Later, the Community Center Building at 2410 Dodson Avenue was purchased, and in May, 1941, the congregation began worshiping at this location.  The church grew from a membership of ninety to a membership of over six hundred.


In 1965, the church purchased two and a half acres at what is now 3700 Bonnie Oaks Drive.  The first service was held in the new building on July 20, 1969.


The church name was changed from East Chattanooga Baptist Tabernacle to Hamilton Baptist Church on October 8, 1995.  Hamilton Baptist Church continues to be an evangelistic, independent Baptist church holding to the same biblical doctrine as always.  It is a church where people love the Lord, souls, and one another.


In 2014, Hamilton Baptist Church purchased the facilities of the former Hamill Road Baptist Church, then owned by the International Board of Jewish Missions, located at 1928 Hamill Road, Hixson, TN.  This ideal setting is at the intersection of Highway 153 and Hamill Road.


God has blessed the ministry of Hamilton Baptist Church, and we are looking forward to even greater blessings as we work together to win the lost and strengthen the believer until the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Staff:
Dr. Virgil Smith

Lead Pastor


Pastor Virgil Smith was born into a preacher's home in Charleston, WV.  His father pastored several years in the Charleston area and surrounding counties.  Currently, his brother is a pastor in Charleston and has been at the same church for thirty years.


Upon graduation from Herbert Hoover High School, Bro. Smith attended Bob Jones University where he received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees.  God then led Pastor Smith to Pennsylvania where he was involved in church planting.  After serving seven years and purchasing eleven acres of land upon which they erected a new church building, Pastor Smith was called to pastor at Lindale Baptist Church near Cincinnati, Ohio where he pastored for eleven years.  Dr. Smith also taught and served in administration at four Christian colleges part-time during his pastorates.


In 2013, he and Karen assumed the pastorate of Hamilton Baptist Church in Hixson, TN.  He and his wife are happily involved in the ministry for Christ with the caring and loving congregation at HBC.

Rev. Jonathan Branyon

Minister of Music

Jonathan Branyon is serving as Minister of Music.  Bro. Jonathan is the son of a Baptist minister and surrendered to serve the Lord at age 16.  After graduating from Wade Hampton Academy, he attended Tennessee Temple University where he studied voice and song directing, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible.  Jonathan has since served as pastor, assistant pastor and music minister in Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee.  He and his wife have both served as educators in Christian schools.  His wife, Pamela, who is also a graduate of Tennessee Temple University, assists him in the music ministry.  Bro. Jonathan and Pamela have been married for 37 years and have three adult children and two grandchildren.


Church Musicians

Our talented musicians led by Bro. Branyon include Karen Smith, Kathy Parks and Pamela Branyon. 

Hamilton Baptist Church



1928 Hamill Road

Hixson, TN 37343



Sunday School                          9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning                      10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening                        5:30 p.m.



Prayer Time & Bible Study        7:00 p.m.


©2020 by Hamilton Baptist Church Hixson, TN

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